Paul Schmidt – Paranormalist – TIP
Like many of the investigators with TIP (The Illinois Paranormalists) I have a life-long interest in the paranormal. I grew up reading every book I could find on ghosts, big foot, the Loch ness monster, the Bermuda triangle, etc. I thought my interests would always be satisfied through the pages of books until the show Ghosthunters came on. Then I realized there were others out there like me that were interested in the paranormal and experiencing it. I began a web search and found all kinds of groups and information on ghost hunting. I went on my first overnight 18 years ago in Indianapolis at the Hannah Mansion. While looking for more ghost hunting opportunities I came across other overnight excursions and ghost hunting groups. I began to attend all the meetings I could and went on excursions when offered. I had experiences on the excursions that hooked me even more. Perhaps the best thing I was able to do was go to the Waverly Hills Sanitarium—perhaps the most haunted place in the country. While Waverly was not very active that night the creepiness factor was still 10 out of 10. Ten years ago I formed The Illinois Paranormalists (TIP) and have enjoyed planning where to investigate.
Like many of the TIP investigators I have a life-long interest in the paranormal. I grew up reading every book I could find on ghosts, big foot, the Loch ness monster, the Bermuda triangle, etc. I thought my interests would always be satisfied through the pages of books until the show Ghosthunters came on. Then I realized there were others out there like me that were interested in the paranormal and experiencing it. I began a web search and found all kinds of groups and information on ghost hunting. I went on my first overnight 18 years ago in Indianapolis at the Hannah Mansion. While looking for more ghost hunting opportunities I came across other overnight excursions and ghost hunting groups. I began to attend all the meetings I could and went on excursions when offered. I had experiences on the excursions that hooked me even more. Perhaps the best thing I was able to do was go to the Waverly Hills Sanitarium—perhaps the most haunted place in the country. While Waverly was not very active that night the creepiness factor was still 10 out of 10. Ten years ago I formed The Illinois Paranormalists (TIP) and have enjoyed planning where to investigate.
Conference Presentation
The Illinois Paranormalists (TIP) is a paranormal investigation team located in the Chicago suburbs. They are primarily a ghost hunting club that seeks out evidence of the paranormal in various locations throughout the Midwest including Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Ohio, and Wisconsin. During the evening ghost hunters will share their experiences with investigating ghost sightings and sounds, relate techniques used in an investigation and share a variety of equipment and how it is used. They will discuss how places to investigate are located. TIP will answer whatever questions people may have about ghost hunting.