On July 21, 1922 while tearing down two houses “to the south of Water Street between East State and Walnut Streets” a mystery was uncovered.  The owner of the property, Daniel Shoudy, was assisting with the tear-down of houses that were located next to the Rockford Steam Boiler works when he discovered what he described as a “grass covered cairn”.

In March of 1945, the Allies were making great progress in the European Campaign. They began the largest serial assault in history during that March. Over 1,800 American and British …

It was around midnight on September 16, 1946 when the call came in to the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department.  Special Deputies Howard H. Smith, Robert Johnson, and Gust Lindstrom were …

According to the Civil War trust website, there are over 400 documented cases of women disguising themselves as men in order to fight in the Civil War. The man known …

Frank Baehr was the kind of young man that would make any parent proud. As a young boy, he decided that he would go to college, even though this was …

“Beware lest he take thee away with his stroke”.  These were the words spoken over the grave in the Cherry Valley Cemetery in 1879 during the funeral of Marshall Pritchard. …

Dr. William Lyman had a medical practice on the West Side of Rockford since 1852 and had treated all the “old timers.”  He was into local and state politics and …

Mysterious Headstones Found

On July 21, 1922 while tearing down two houses “to the south of Water Street between East State and Walnut Streets” a mystery was uncovered.  The owner of the property, Daniel Shoudy, was assisting with the tear-down of houses that were located next to the Rockford Steam Boiler works when he discovered what he described as a “grass covered cairn”.

Burnside Baily

In March of 1945, the Allies were making great progress in the European Campaign. They began the largest serial assault in history during that March. Over 1,800 American and British …

Howard H. Smith

It was around midnight on September 16, 1946 when the call came in to the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Department.  Special Deputies Howard H. Smith, Robert Johnson, and Gust Lindstrom were …

Albert Cashier

According to the Civil War trust website, there are over 400 documented cases of women disguising themselves as men in order to fight in the Civil War. The man known …

Frank Baehr

Frank Baehr was the kind of young man that would make any parent proud. As a young boy, he decided that he would go to college, even though this was …

Marshall Pritchard

“Beware lest he take thee away with his stroke”.  These were the words spoken over the grave in the Cherry Valley Cemetery in 1879 during the funeral of Marshall Pritchard. …

William Lyman

Dr. William Lyman had a medical practice on the West Side of Rockford since 1852 and had treated all the “old timers.”  He was into local and state politics and …


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