As part of their “Behind The Brand” series, Rockford Buzz, a go-to source for finding the latest and greatest happenings in Rockford, Illinois, published an interview with Kathi Kresol on October 31, 2018.

“To uncover what makes local organizations tick , you must go back to their founder. Kathi Kresol is Haunted Rockford. She is the heart of the organization, and everything you see comes from her brain and her passion.

“When I got to sit down with Kathi to discuss how Haunted Rockford came to be, she seemed to have an endless supply of stories to tell. Honestly, I could have sat there all day and listened to everything she had to say. The way she tells these stories with respect to the folks who have passed is admirable. They aren’t just things for her to tell and forget, each one stays with her and you can hear in her delivery that she truly cares. Whether they died of natural causes or were victim to terrible circumstance, it doesn’t change her demeanor. She wants to tell their stories and it allows them to live on.

“If I had only a few words to describe Kathi, they would be – Intelligent, passionate, pleasant, caring, and fun.

“After a close personal experience with the paranormal, Kathi became obsessed. There wasn’t a way to get any answers other than researching it by herself.

“Consumed by a need to tell these stories, Kathi traveled all over the United States – going on ghost tours and teaching her homeschooled children lessons of history by taking them places and telling them the stories she had come to learn.”

Read the full article here: Rockford Buzz: Haunted Rockford