
Formed in 2011 by Chad Glovier and Travis Dahlhauser, The Greater Rockford Apparition & Ghost Group (GRAGG), is a paranormal investigation team based in Rockford, Illinois. The GRAGG team travels to some of the scariest places the nation has to offer. Their mission is to prove to everyone, including themselves, that ghosts are real.

Watch their adventures on their official YouTube channel: Mission Terror.

Conference Presentation

If you ask Travis or Chad what one place in the world is haunted, they’d answer immediately: Prairie View Rest Home. The guys have challenged the building 3 times over the years and each experience has been more intense than the last. This presentation will dive deep into their terrifying saga at Prairie View, which includes some of the craziest evidence they have ever captured, and some of the scariest stories they have told.



More Information

YouTube channel: Mission Terror 

GRAGG website: